A Special Grace For The Season

If I had any final word to sum up 2024, it would have to be in the word, “GRACE.”

Beloved, we are in a season like none other that has been experienced on this planet, perhaps, since the birth of Jesus Christ. I say this not because this is the Christmas season, but because we are about to experience the true reason that Jesus came, and died for humanity.

Almighty God has graced this season to fulfill His ordained purpose for our lives. God has redirected the leadership of nations. He is steering us in a new direction, one that is full of precious promises being fulfilled.

While it won’t necessarily be an easy season to navigate, we can expect 2025 to be a “Year of GREATNESS, for the Body of Christ in the earth.” We are about to witness the “greater works (John 14:12)” that Jesus said we would do before He returns.

God is “catapulting His people “from obscurity to prominence” like never seen before. The Wind of His Spirit is bringing about the “Greatest Revival” the world has never known. It’s time! God’s Time! His “Grand Finale” before Jesus returns to earth. So be it. In Jesus’ Name!

” . . . But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Daniel 11:32