America’s Great Fall, But That’s Not All!

This morning, while looking for a quote from God, I came across a prophecy that I released to friends and family almost a year ago. Here the word of the Lord from September 8, 2023.

According to God, we Christians have become, “Co-dependents and Co-conspirators with the kingdom of darkness.” We sat back and went along with whatever was offered to us on a silver platter. What we consumed has poisoned our souls and weakened our nation. “Filth and corruption will be the demise of America. But, I have called for My Sons and Daughters to step up with My plan to heal and restore the land. There will be a great fall in your nation. Yet, as one kingdom falls, My Kingdom will arise with more wealth and power than this world has ever seen. And, I have called each of you to be part of this new era of Kingdom Wealth. For it shall be a sign that I am with you in the midst of the utter devastation that will come upon your nation. Do not fear. It is only the demise of a corrupt system that had to end so that My Will could be performed in the land. So, do not fear. Rejoice, for My Kingdom of Healing, Goodness and Prosperity is at hand. The righteous ones will be in authority and the people will rejoice. All of Heaven will rejoice for all eternity,” says Almighty God.

As I read this prophecy, I am reminded of what God said to the prophet Jeremiah. “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant (Jeremiah 1:10).” God wants us to build and plant “a better, more prosperous world,” but the ground (hearts) in America must be tilled. God is breaking up the fallow ground of unbelieving hearts by allowing corruption to come to the surface. The stench of which will cause the people of this nation to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and they shall be satisfied (Matthew 5:6).

Lord, be it unto us, according to thy word.