Beloved, we need to pray earnestly for the leaders of our nation and for all who are in authority. Pray I Timothy 2:1-4. It is not God’s desire that anyone leaves this planet and plunges into hell. God wants all men to be saved.
This morning the Lord has been flooding my spirit with prophecies He gave me repeatedly since before the 2020 Presidential Election. Most of these prophecies I kept in prayer until the Lord allowed me to release them. However, this morning, they all came back to my memory unexpectedly. There is one in particular that seems to be coming to past in this hour.
Here is that quote from the post entitled, “Death In The White House.”
On April 30, 2021 the Lord gave me a vision in the night. “Biden was dead. I didn’t see anyone. All I saw were shadows and the voices of people thinking that Biden died because he was old. Others were thinking he died from the virus. Then the Voice of the Lord said, “No!” “This is judgment” says God. A few days later I heard, “Death over the White House.” This time is was not just Biden, but for all who are “in his administration who are in cahoots with him.”
Here is another quote from the post entitled “Failure to Deliver,” Release July 7, 2023
Overnight, at around 1:29 am, the Lord gave me a flash of a vision in the realm of the spirit. I saw a glimpse of a coffin draped in the American flag. Then I heard these words,“The death of two presidents, Obama is one.” Immediately, the Lord gave the reason for the deaths. ”For failure to deliver America to the enemy.” From this word, it seems that the evil plans against this nation have “boomeranged” upon the agents of satan.
Finally, here is yet another quote posted on April 1, 2024, entitled “The Death of Saul (The King)”
Last July, the Lord gave me a word about the death of “Two presidents.” Since that time, I have been praying earnestly for the leaders of our nation. Then the Lord began showing me two coffins draped in the American flag. Still, I kept praying that our leaders would repent and turn their hearts back to God.
Recently, the Lord reminded me that our presidents placed their hands on the Holy Bible and took their oath of office saying, “So help me God.” By doing so, they entered into God’s Covenant for the sake of the people of this nation . . . In the story of King Saul, he rebelled against God in order to be popular with the people. He also turned to witchcraft instead of seeking God. No one but the prophet Samuel called out the king’s sin. “Such is the case in America,” says God. Our leaders have turned away from Almighty God to all manner of witchcraft in order to retain power over the people.
According to God, America’s leaders have covenanted with satan in their thirst for power. Here is the thing. America is a nation that is covenanted under God. Therefore, Almighty God will have the final say. Their covenant with death shall be disannulled, and their agreement with hell shall not stand (Isaiah 28:18). For God says (Prophecy for 2023), “I will stay Satan’s hand against this nation. I will uphold My Covenant with My people in the land. Righteousness will prevail and overcome every wicked scheme and plot against the destiny of America, against the destiny of the Church of Jesus Christ in America, against the destiny I have purposed for all of humanity.”
Come Lord Jesus come.
“Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.” Matthew 6:10
Note: These and other prophecies can be found at: