“Leaders Of America REPENT!”

This afternoon, Thursday, June 3rd, 2021, at 3:46pm EST, there was a powerful command that came straight out of Heaven, even a clarion call to leaders of this nation. These words thundered throughout the heavens, “Leaders Of America, REPENT!” Then I saw two faces appear in the realm of the spirit. It was the face of Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama, but this call was for many more who have also “conspired to deceive” the nation in an effort to “thwart the plans” of Almighty God for America. This is Heaven’s “final call” of repentance, before judgment is executed on these leaders.

People of God, pray for those in authority (in the church, the government, in all sectors of the nation) according to I Timothy 2:1-2. Pray that they repent, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, which is good and acceptable in the sight of God, our Savior.

“Say unto them,

‘As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;

But that the wicked turn from his way and live:

Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die,

O Leaders Of America?'”

Ezekiel 33:11