God Reveals It ALL!!!

Last night we released a prophetic alert entitled, “This Is The Time Of The Great Fall.” In that message the Lord had me describe the organization that is being “dismantled” and its people “scattered across the face of the earth.” That message ended without this organization being identified by name. God only referred to this …

This Is The Time Of The Great Fall!

Beloved, this afternoon I was among an international prayer group. Our mission today was to pray in the spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal what was on the Father’s heart. This was a prayer to reveal the hidden things, the mysteries and secrets of God. After about twenty minutes of praying in tongues, …

God’s Judgment Is Upon Us

Beloved, we must pray earnestly for our nation’s leaders. Because of their evil plots and schemes against the people of the land, God’s judgment is upon us. God says, “Do not be moved by their circus act” that is playing before us. Get into prayer. “Repent for having followed their performances.” It is time to …