The OCTOBER Turnaround Is Here!

Beloved. Almost three weeks ago, the Holy Spirit said the words, “October Turnaround.” My reply was simply this. “Thank you Lord for an October Turnaround.” I relayed the message to my team and had them prepare for an “October Turnaround” concerning the business.

TODAY, at 9:39 am EST, the Holy Spirit said, “It’s Here!” Before I could ask what was here, the Lord said, “The OCTOBER Turnaround Is Here!” I alerted my team and began praising God for “The OCTOBER Turnaround.” The Lord wanted me to release this message to The Body Of Christ. God has answered our prayers.


It means that whatever wicked plots and schemes the devil launched against God’s plan for our lives, the Lord is turning it around for our good (Genesis 50:20). Surely, God is in control of the destinies of His People. It does not matter what the enemy does. If we stay faithful to God, He will be faithful to use whatever the enemy has done, to our advantage. That is what we call a turnaround.


It all depends upon the offense. Recently the Lord has been describing what looked like “a boomerang effect.” The devices of the enemy were coming back upon them. They will reap whatever they have sown into the lives of others. They will have whatsoever they have said about others. Those who have stolen, will be stolen from. Those who shamed others, will be shamed. Those who plotted murder, will be murdered. This is the law of sowing and reaping which cannot be overruled. It works every time.

In short, people need to let other people alone, and get right with God. This is God’s Season For Justice. He is rewarding everyone in this day, for what they have done. For some it will be a good reward. For others it will be devastating.

“Don’t be misled–you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.”

Galatians 6:7 New Living Translation