I heard these words in my spirit,“This is our winning season.” The Holy Spirit directed my attention to Isaiah 52:9. This is time for the people of God to “Break forth in joy and singing for this is our winning season!” If you are on the Lord’s side, then this is your winning season.
The Lord is flexing His Holy Arm before the nations. “We are departing the corruption of this world while the Lord goes before us in power. Jesus will be exalted in the land (America). He shall sprinkle the nation (America) with His Blood. Kings will shut their mouths at Him. They will see what they have never been told. They will consider what they have not heard. God will show Himself to them.” I am now hearing, “All men will know Him, as He the Lord wishes to be known. Whether they receive Him or reject Him, they no longer have an excuse.” The Truth shall be revealed because God wants all men saved and come into the knowledge of the Truth (I Timothy 2:2-4). “Our victory is here!”
“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” I John 5:4