These are the words I heard the Holy Spirit say, just before Christmas of this year 2023. “Life Is Precious.” Each and every life on earth is very precious to God. Consider how God so love the people of this world, that He sent His Son to die for us.
The Bible says that there is no “greater love (John 15:13)“ than when a person gives up their life for a friend. That is what God did for us when Jesus was birthed into this world. He came to show us how to give up our lives for others. This is what it means to love.
This is a “sacrificial love” that few people experience or understand. However, those who have truly received Jesus Christ into their lives, we know what it means to live like Jesus in this dark world. It’s not easy. But, we do it because we love the Father, and we appreciate what the Son of God has given up for us to have abundant life.
So, consider your life. Just as it is today. You may not be satisfied with where you are. That is a good reason to talk to God and have Him Show You just how precious you are to Him.
Celebrate The Father And The Son for the Love
They Have Given To Us!
“For God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16
“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10