“Even If She Wins, She Loses.”

This morning the Lord awakened me at 2:30 am with these words, “Even if she wins, she loses.” Then the Lord said to me, “Write it down.” So, I got out of bed and immediately began writing what thus saith the Lord concerning Kamala Harris’ candidacy in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. I sensed something very evil and sinister around the person of Mrs. Harris. Was it her? Or, was it those who are endorsing her candidacy?

The Lord continued speaking. “They will be disappointed in their run for the White House. It’s a Set Up. The race is rigged by Me, this time,” says the Lord. “You have defied Me for the last time. The Farce is over. The Jig is up. No More shall you deceive the people of this nation.”

“No more will your wicked rule dominate these people. They are Mine,” says God. “They were created for My Purpose alone. You have failed even if she wins. You will not have this people. You will not have this nation,” says God.

Beloved, instead of following political candidates, it is time for serious fasting and prayer for our nation and its leaders. Judgment is coming and coming swiftly.

” I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and [for] all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this [is] good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.” I Timothy 2:1-3 KJV

Revival Is Here!

A few mornings ago, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Revival Is Here!” Earnest prayers have come up before God crying for Him to “Revive” His people. Now, the Spirit of the Lord says it is here, “Revival Is Here!” What does this mean to the Body of Christ? What does it mean to the world?

So often churches claim to have revivals, but many are fundraising programs. Well known preachers are brought in to draw crowds in hopes of obtaining large offerings. This is not revival. A true Holy Ghost Revival is when God’s people hunger and thirst after HIM in prayer and praise. The Lord responds by sending a wave of His Spirit to heal and deliver God’s people from their sin and backsliding.

“The Door of Revival has opened.” It is time for God’s people to put away their whordoms and repent for following after Baal and the rulers in sin whom they love. Repent and turn back to God. Judgment has come upon the world of sinners who know not God, but His Kingdom is your only refuge.

“Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, [if] we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter [and] former rain unto the earth.” Hosea 6:1-3

America’s Great Fall, But That’s Not All!

This morning, while looking for a quote from God, I came across a prophecy that I released to friends and family almost a year ago. Here the word of the Lord from September 8, 2023.

According to God, we Christians have become, “Co-dependents and Co-conspirators with the kingdom of darkness.” We sat back and went along with whatever was offered to us on a silver platter. What we consumed has poisoned our souls and weakened our nation. “Filth and corruption will be the demised of America. But, I have called for My Sons and Daughters to step up with My plan to heal and restore the land. There will be a great fall in your nation. Yet, as one kingdom falls, My Kingdom will arise with more wealth and power than this world has ever seen. And, I have called each of you to be part of this new era of Kingdom Wealth. For it shall be a sign that I am with you in the midst of the utter devastation that will come upon your nation. Do not fear. It is only the demise of a corrupt system that had to end so that My Will could be performed in the land. So, do not fear. Rejoice, for My Kingdom of Healing, Goodness and Prosperity is at hand. The righteous ones will be in authority and the people will rejoice. All of Heaven will rejoice for all eternity,” says Almighty God.

As I read this prophecy, I am reminded of what God said to the prophet Jeremiah. “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant (Jeremiah 1:10).” God wants us to build and plant “a better, more prosperous world,” but the ground (hearts) in America must be tilled. God is breaking up the fallow ground of unbelieving hearts by allowing corruption to come to the surface. The stench of which will cause the people of this nation to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and they shall be satisfied (Matthew 5:6).

Lord, be it unto us, according to thy word.

Showdown With The Prophets Of Baal

This morning the Lord described what is going on in American politics. Most people think it is a popularity contest. God said clearly, that the 2024 Election is definitely a contest, one that He calls a “Showdown with the prophets of Baal.”

Back in 2022, we posted a prophetic alert describing what was going on in the White House. Jezebel and her prophets have been in the seat of power over this nation. Today, God is calling for a showdown to prove that HE IS ALL POWERFUL.

In the meantime, Saints, it is time to call for the Lord of Glory, the one who answers by fire (I Kings 18:24), to show Himself strong on our behalf. It’s time!

Whom Will America Serve?

With all the uproar about the coming 2024 Presidential Election, God is turning our focus away from candidates. Instead, God is asking, “Whom Will America Serve?”

We are a covenant nation under God. We have remained under His Blessing for generations. However, the leaders of the land are ordering laws and practices that are akin to Baal worship with all manner of perversion. They allow such under the guise of freedom. If freedom were their mission, then Christians, Muslims and Jews would also have freedom to worship as they choose. Instead, there is a push to demean and vilify those who honor traditional religion. This is not freedom. This is persecution.

Our forefathers escaped the tyranny of England to establish a nation for the practice of religious freedom. They wanted a land where the government would not interfere with religious liberties of its citizens. How could American citizens have allowed their leaders to lead us so far from what made this nation exceptional in the past? There is one clear answer. They distracted the public with political ramblings about candidates. Meanwhile, legislators eagerly make deals to sell our souls to the devil for profit. It is time the public wakes up and recognizes that they have been bamboozled by crafty politicians who mean them no good.

So, the question remains. “Whom Will America Serve?” Crafty politicians lead to more satanic laws and the curse. To help you understand God’s issue with the nation, here is the prophetic alert that was released in October of 2021, entitled, Will America Choose God Next Time? Essentially, God said we made the wrong choice in 2020. He also explained why. Good news is that we can make it right in 2024.

“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. “ I Kings 18:21

Death Looms Over The White House

Beloved, we need to pray earnestly for the leaders of our nation and for all who are in authority. Pray I Timothy 2:1-4. It is not God’s desire that anyone leaves this planet and plunges into hell. God wants all men to be saved.

This morning the Lord has been flooding my spirit with prophecies He gave me repeatedly since before the 2020 Presidential Election. Most of these prophecies I kept in prayer until the Lord allowed me to release them. However, this morning, they all came back to my memory unexpectedly. There is one in particular that seems to be coming to past in this hour.

Here is that quote from the post entitled, “Death In The White House.”

On April 30, 2021 the Lord gave me a vision in the night. “Biden was dead. I didn’t see anyone. All I saw were shadows and the voices of people thinking that Biden died because he was old. Others were thinking he died from the virus. Then the Voice of the Lord said, “No!” “This is judgment” says God. A few days later I heard, “Death over the White House.” This time is was not just Biden, but for all who are “in his administration who are in cahoots with him.”

Here is another quote from the post entitled “Failure to Deliver,” Release July 7, 2023

Overnight, at around 1:29 am, the Lord gave me a flash of a vision in the realm of the spirit. I saw a glimpse of a coffin draped in the American flag. Then I heard these words,“The death of two presidents, Obama is one.” Immediately, the Lord gave the reason for the deaths. ”For failure to deliver America to the enemy.” From this word, it seems that the evil plans against this nation have “boomeranged” upon the agents of satan.

Finally, here is yet another quote posted on April 1, 2024, entitled “The Death of Saul (The King)”

Last July, the Lord gave me a word about the death of “Two presidents.” Since that time, I have been praying earnestly for the leaders of our nation. Then the Lord began showing me two coffins draped in the American flag. Still, I kept praying that our leaders would repent and turn their hearts back to God.

Recently, the Lord reminded me that our presidents placed their hands on the Holy Bible and took their oath of office saying, “So help me God.” By doing so, they entered into God’s Covenant for the sake of the people of this nation . . . In the story of King Saul, he rebelled against God in order to be popular with the people. He also turned to witchcraft instead of seeking God. No one but the prophet Samuel called out the king’s sin. “Such is the case in America,” says God. Our leaders have turned away from Almighty God to all manner of witchcraft in order to retain power over the people. 

According to God, America’s leaders have covenanted with satan in their thirst for power. Here is the thing. America is a nation that is covenanted under God. Therefore, Almighty God will have the final say. Their covenant with death shall be disannulled, and their agreement with hell shall not stand (Isaiah 28:18). For God says (Prophecy for 2023), “I will stay Satan’s hand against this nation. I will uphold My Covenant with My people in the land. Righteousness will prevail and overcome every wicked scheme and plot against the destiny of America, against the destiny of the Church of Jesus Christ in America, against the destiny I have purposed for all of humanity.”

Come Lord Jesus come.

“Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.” Matthew 6:10

Note: These and other prophecies can be found at:


God’s Judgment Is Upon Us

Beloved, we must pray earnestly for our nation’s leaders. Because of their evil plots and schemes against the people of the land, God’s judgment is upon us. God says, “Do not be moved by their circus act” that is playing before us. Get into prayer. “Repent for having followed their performances.” It is time to be sober minded with a heart of repentance towards God. Concerning America’s leaders God says, “Their sleight of hand and ‘abracadabras’ won’t work in this hour. What worked in past elections is over,” says God. “Their trapeze act will no longer work because I am traveling the high places to bring down their altars and their gods. The smoke and mirrors won’t work either. For this is the day in which Truth and Righteousness shall prevail in the land.”

“Come out of them My people before calamity comes upon your nation. For I am coming down to settle the score with these wicked leaders Myself,” says Almighty God.

“Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.”

Isaiah 26:20-21

Is Trump Really Back?

Beloved, I do not often make comments about politics without the prompting of the Lord to speak what He speaks. Today I was prompted to release this post along with a video that we produced for another online platform back in 2022.

Unfortunately, this particular video was hidden on that platform. Whether it was a honest mistake or a determined effort to keep people from hearing the message of this video, I am not sure. In any case, given the current state of politics in the United States, I feel it is necessary to listen to what the Lord said back in 2022.

Here is the video entitled, “Trump Is Back!” Originally released on rumble in March of 2022.

The Wind Of God Is Moving!

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. John 3:8

God desires to prove his love to all men. His ways of showing love are beyond natural human comprehension, so prepare to be shaken out of your comfort zone! His Spirit moves like the wind upon those who love him. God moves as he wills, upon whom he wills, whenever and where ever he wills. He is desperately looking for a few good men and women who will allow the Wind of His Spirit lead them. 1

“Yes, there will be terrible resistance,” says God,“but to whomever trusts and obeys my every whim, there awaits unimaginable peace, love, joy and prosperity. Oh, you may have to venture into dangerous waters and unknown territories and uncomfortable places, but do not fear, you go not alone for I am with you to comfort and guide you all the way. So take a chance and plunge into the depths of my Spirit and experience not only a supernatural transformation in the way you look at life, but uncover the hidden treasures that have never been foreknown by men.”


  1. Matthews, Paula. “Supernatural Transformation In Intense Darkness.” The Glory Of God Revealed Through The Lives Of Ordinary Men. Shaker Heights: Spirit & Life PublicationsSM, 2014. 116. Print. ↩︎

Idols Shall Fall Like Dagon!

Beloved, this past Sunday morning, I found myself weeping for the leaders of America. What I saw coming was horrifying. In a vision during prayer, I saw leaders, including government leaders crouched behind battle lines, aiming weapons at God’s sons and daughters in this nation. Their weapons made no impact. They looked like dwarfs fighting against God’s Giants. These leaders fell to their deaths because they refused to honor the God that has blessed this nation. The people were outraged and confused. “How could this have happened in America?” The eyes of the people began to open to the truth that America has been under a “strong delusion.” Yet, God has said, “Truth Shall Prevail In America.”

God is dealing with wicked leaders who are, using “Smooth words,” even Christianity and the Bible, gathering the hearts and souls of people for evil purposes. “There is no truth in what they say or do. For it is a farce,” says God. “They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Leaders like Herod who refuse to give the glory to God. They will be smitten down in public before the people.”

This word concerns leaders of the Church, as well as leaders of our government and industry who have formed a league of rebellion against Almighty God, in this, “His Covenant Nation.” The Lord reminded me of a word He spoke in August of 2021. “You wicked rich men have crossed Me and My plan for the last time. The politicians you ‘bought and paid for’ in America and in the nations of this world, will fall like Dagon.”

Who was Dagon? How did Dagon fall?

Dagon was an idol, a god of the Philistines who were the enemies of God’s people. The Philistines stole the Ark Of The Covenant which carried the presence of the God of Israel (I Samuel 4:11).

How Could God’s Enemies Steal The Ark Of The Covenant ?

God allowed the enemy to take the Ark of The Covenant as punishment to Eli the priest of Israel, and his wicked sons Hophni and Phinehas, who were also priests. Eli was old. His sons were causing the people to sin against the Lord. Eli did not correct his sons. Instead, he benefited from their corruption. Death came to the house of Eli and the Glory of the Lord departed from Israel.

The Philistines placed the Ark of The Covenant in the temple of their god Dagon. The next morning, the figure of Dagon was on its face before the Ark of The Covenant. The priest picked up the statue, putting it back on its feet. The next morning, Dagon was found laying before the Ark of The Covenant once again. This time it was beheaded, with its palms removed. Only the stump of Dagon remained. The Lord not only desecrated the idol, but He also destroyed the men of the city. Those who remained were stricken with boils on their private parts (I Samuel 5:1-12).

Now, if God said that America’s leaders would “fall like Dagon,” what can we expect? No one but God knows what will exactly happen. However if the story of what happened to Dagon is an example, we can expect that these leaders will be struck down physically. The people who worship them, and the cities where these leaders have been glorified, would also be inflicted with all manner of physical ailments and death, until they repent and pay homage to the True And Living God.

This is the Biblical example of how God deals with wicked leaders. We saw the same with Pharaoh (Exodus 13:15-31), with Sihon king of the Amorites and Og king of Bashan (Numbers 21:23-35), with Herod (Acts 21-25). God is saying that the same will be happening in America and around the world. Wicked leaders shall fall like Dagon, and the Glory of the Lord will return among His people!