God Has Heard Your Cry!

This message is for all of those who have been crying out to God in prayer.

“Tell them, I have heard them. I’ve seen their tears and heard their cries. And now, I AM COME to answer them IN POWER AND GLORY, to settle the score for My People whom I love,” says Almighty God.” 

“For the days of the wicked are few and numbered. For I have said that the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous lest My people turn to do iniquity. For this light affliction, the persecution you have suffered was for My Purpose. It came to perfect my image in you. It came to show you Who I Am and Who you are in ME. All Power is in My Hands and I have given it to you in this season so that you can ARISE FAR above the issues of this world; to cause you to become THE HEAD and no longer the tail: ABOVE only and no longer beneath the circumstances and people of the world.”

“I have called you to sit HIGH ABOVE the nations of the earth. That is where You are seated in the realm of the Spirit with My Son. Now, it is time to manifest that which I have placed within you; that glory within your earthen vessel that must be shattered in order to be released into the earth. This shattering is a breaking of your flesh, your will and emotions from traditions of men, from the rudiments of the world; from things that hinder MY Power from operating in your lives.”

“It is now time to ARISE AND SHINE, for My Glory has risen upon you. Take your places in My Kingdom. Take your destiny which I have designated for each of you since before the foundation of the world. It is your time to be the Stars, the kings and queens of My Royal heritage in this earth. Arise and shine, Let My Glory be seen upon you, and all people of the earth shall see it and come unto you to LEARN ABOUT ME. For Your LIGHT SHALL SHINE BRIGHT in this dense darkness and all nations will come unto you for answers to the world’s problems. So stand tall in this season for it is Your season to Shine brightly with the brightness of My Glory.” 

“Now, go forth in My Name and My Power says,” the Lord. “I will confirm My Word with Immense Power such as this world has never seen. So Go forth knowing that I will be with you until the very end of time. This is our season to shine forth in the glory of My Father,” says the Lord. “Go, Rule and Reign In My Name!!”

Celebrate Juneteenth!

Congratulations! America is now observing

Juneteenth as a Federal holiday. It’s a good thing.

However, celebrating freedom and living the realities of freedom

Are not the same thing.

As this video shows, freedom won’t come to us from the politicians.

It will only come from Almighty God.

A Special Video Presentation


Celebration of Freedom


“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

Check out this and our other videos on Rumble

The Jig Is Up!

The Lord repeated something He said weeks ago, “The devil is playing keep away with your inheritances.” He cannot stop God, but that deceiver is expert at throwing up roadblocks, distractions and delays, BUT “it is just about over,” says God.

“The answer is coming to you speedily,” says God. “Hold on. Be not discouraged, but Be ENCOURAGED, For Your Time Has Come. Your Time to RISE AND SHINE With My Glory Has Come; Your Time To Arise As The HEAD NOT THE TAIL, ABOVE ONLY AND NOT BENEATH.” 

“I have EXALTED those of GREAT FAITH, who have Wavered Not during this time or transition.” “Yes, that is what THIS has been, A time of transition as I demolish the plans and schemes of wicked men across the world and in your nation.” “They believed that they could OVERRULE My Word for your lives. THEY FOUGHT AGAINST MY DESTINY for You and Your nation, but they will soon learn just how badly they have lost, even some will lose their lives in this rebellion against ME, THE ALMIGHTY GOD.”

“Be not deceived the COVID, the ELECTION FRAUD, The PLANNED SHORTAGES, were all part of a military takeover scheme that has Badly Gone Wrong.” “Oh they tried to overtake you, but not by Me. This was Their Plan All Along to deceive the nation and the world in order to destroy this land called AMERICA, the Land that I love; The nation with whom I Am COVENANTED To Protect And Prosper as one of My own.” 

“They will soon see just how much I love this land and Will Defend those in it that love Me.” “I AM GOD and there is none other. No one can depose Me. No one can oppose Me repeatedly and expect to live.  Repent you evil ones who operate in hatred towards Me and the people of this land. Repent and bow before ME, THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD, the Only Redeemer for your souls. Repent today and live. Then watch as I SAVE and Prosper MY PEOPLE and the innocent in the land. I Alone will purify the land and its people for MY GLORY.” 

“This is MY TIME. My Program to reset the nations of the earth. MY KINGDOM HAS COME, MY Will alone WILL BE DONE in the earth, As I have decreed in HEAVEN. IT Is Done!,” Says the Great And Mighty One, Defender of the Earth!

I also heard a warning in my spirit, “Do Not Place Your Trust In Man! If you do, you will be SORELY Disappointed.” As God shakes the evil ones, they will attempt to place more restrictions on the people. “Do No Fear Their Threatenings!” This is “an act of persecution” against those who believe in God. Pray what the first believers prayed when faced with governmental persecution. 

“And now, Lord, behold their threatenings:

And grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word .” 

Acts 4:29

Giants Will Fall, Heads Will Roll!

This prophecy came to me a few months ago. Today, the Lord had me release this word to His people.

God is about to take us into the Land (Deuteronomy 7:1-5). He will go before us and “smite our enemies.” Here is the warning:

“Let there be no enemy in you, lest you be destroyed. Make no covenants with the enemy.”

God is cutting down giants in the land. Brace yourselves!

“He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies;

He shall wound the heads over many countries.”

Psalm 110:6

“Oh, it’s going to shake something fierce,” says God. “Brace yourselves in My love and in My plan for your lives. It will be a safe haven from the storms that are coming upon the earth.”

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,

Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins,

And that ye receive not of her plagues.”

Revelation 18:4

Prepare For “Political Fallout!”

Last week, as we began praying for the people of Ukraine, the Lord revealed that deals were made in that war, with many of our US leaders “for riches . . . that won’t be seen.” Promises were made that will not be kept. Consequently, those who entered into those deals will turn on one another. It will be an “ambush” where the wicked will destroy one another in the public square. The enemy will “retaliate” against our nation’s leaders. They are about to bring the fight to our shores, BUT DO NOT FEAR.

The Lord calls it “Fallout. Political Fallout!” Get in prayer. Hunker down for the fight of your life and destiny. This battle is the only way for people to be free to live the life God ordained for us. This is not the devil moving upon the earth. IT’S A MOVE OF GOD. The devil is retaliating. So, don’t be distracted!

God is revealing “Every secret thing, both good and evil.”

Speaking of GOOD! While evil is being exposed, I saw the Hand of the Lord releasing wealth to His faithful people. I heard the Holy Spirit say, these are “Treasures of darkness and riches hidden in secret places.” I saw businesses, even hospitals and institutions being “vacated.” Those at the top were not closing up shop. They were “abandoning the ship” and leaving the workers behind to fend for themselves.

Take Heed to the time and season. Has God called you to run a hospital in your city? Has He called you to run a certain business or industry? What about buildings? What about homes in the world? Do you have a plan from God?  Then CALL IT FORTH, NOW! In the Name of Jesus. Keep calling it, but also EXPECT TO RECEIVE KEYS! I saw “KEYS” being given to God’s people to take over organizations and businesses. THIS IS THE WEALTH TRANSFER!!!!!

What I saw emerging from the ashes was what God calls, “THE LAST BOOK OF ACTS.” Those coming forth with Kingdom projects that God has ordained are “The Last Apostles.”

Beloved, we are writing history that will go down in the books! Seek the Lord to find out what He has written for your chapter of the book. If you are alive, you’re in the BOOK! Ask God to reveal what’s in your chapter today!

Continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, Russia and for all of the people from the nations who are secretly involved in this war.

Understand, that this is the most exciting time to be in God’s Kingdom!

Works That Speak Of God’s Glory And Power

Beloved, while meditating on Psalm 145, I saw something that jumped off the page. What I saw, is the sum total of why we become Christians. This is the reason Jesus came to earth. It’s not about going to Heaven. It’s not even about Hell. It’s much simpler than that.

It is about Revealing The Father to the world.

It’s about making God real to the people of the earth. That’s why we call upon His name. There is power in His Name. There is glory in His name.

“All Your works shall praise You, O Lord,
And Your saints shall bless You.
They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom,
And talk of Your power,
 To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts,
And the glorious majesty of His kingdom.”

Psalm 145:10-12 NKJV

This is why we do what we do as “True” Believers in Jesus Christ. We let our lights shine before men, not that we be seen, but that all of our “good works” are seen, that they [our good works] would glorify our Father which is in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Dear Christian, I exhort you, that each day you strive to do such works that cause others to glorify our Great God who is in Heaven, in Jesus’ Precious Name I pray.

Let the world see GOD IN YOU!

The Lord, He Is GOD!

Today, I was awaken in the wee hours of the morning to pray in the spirit. As I prayed, my eyes were opened to see what appeared to be the Spirit of Baal in a vision.

He had a monstrous face. There was fire in his mouth. An infant was being placed in his mouth. When I prayed, he disappeared. He vanished. Moments later he appeared again, continuing to devour babies. It was as though he could not be stopped. Someone in authority over our nation had given this demonic entity license to kill our babies.

Then I knew in my spirit, as God reminded me of what He told me the day after the inauguration in 2020. “Jezebel is in the White House.” If Jezebel is there, then Baal worship is also there; sexual perversion, religious dogmatic rule and child sacrifice. If it’s in the White House, then Jezebel and her god Baal have been given authority to flow through every house in the nation. Then I heard the Lord say, “He’s gone.” “Who, Lord?” He responded “Biden and company. They are all gone.” I kept praying, and witnessed that the spirit of Baal had disappeared, never to return as the ruling spirit over America.

Then the Lord took me back to what happened around the time of the 2020 Election. “According to the Lord, the 2020 Election was not about who was in the White House. The Lord said, it was about “Whom America will serve.”1 I didn’t understand it back then, but today it made perfect sense. I remembered that when Biden prematurely declared himself the winner, something happened in the realm of the spirit. The demon Moloch, appeared in the spirit and announced that he was the new ruler over America. So, what was going on?

The Lord said something else back then. “The works of man has ended. It is My time,” says God, “to perform the greater works through my faithful servants in the earth . . .”2 What does that mean? It’s God’s time to move in the earth. For men to continue opposing the dictates of God, they will find themselves in “gross darkness.” Their efforts will no longer be “works of man,” but works of principalities, and powers, and of the rulers of the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12).

Here is the good news, as written by the prophet Isaiah to the people of God. “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee (Isaiah 60:2).” Indeed “the works of man has ended.” What we have before us is a battle, similar to that between the prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal. It’s a spiritual battle that God is using to mature His Children, conforming them into the image of Jesus Christ, and in the likeness of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14), and power. It will be evidence to the world, that Our Lord Jesus Christ is GOD!

What I saw in prayer this morning was not done by human beings. It was supernatural. We prayed and God heard our prayers. He honored His Covenant and sent the angels to prevail in our favor. Both Baal and Jezebel were expelled from the nation, as the leaders who worship them were removed. This was not done by human power. This was done by Almighty God and His Glory moving upon His people.

And, I just heard another word in the realm of the spirit. “The devil thought he had us. He cannot stop God.” In fact, I saw a glimpse of what’s coming. I saw what God promised coming to pass quickly because of what the devil did. Sin increased in America, but God’s grace towards us has abounded unto His Greatness.

My Spirit says, “It will be Glorious! God’s Got This!”

So be it in Jesus’ Name!

“Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that [was] in the trench. And when all the people saw [it], they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.” I Kings 18:38-39

1 Matthews, Paula. “Waging A Warfare.” Taking Back The Night. Atlanta: Spirit & Life PublicationsSM, 2021. 120. Print.

2 Matthews, Paula. “America’s Covenant And The Hope Of Glory.” The War Journal (2011-2020) Volume III. Atlanta: Spirit & Life PublicationsSM, 2020. 200. Print.

The Time Of “The Exodus”

This is a vision that God gave me on Christmas Eve of 2021.

I saw “The Exodus” in the realm of the spirit. This was a modern day Exodus from everything that had been plaguing the people of the earth. God heard the cries of His people and came down to rescue them.

There were plagues on the wicked, but wealth and riches for God’s people who had been held in bondage to governmental forces. It was according to the voice that we chose to follow.

“Egyptian bondage” was broken for those who had an ear to hear what God was saying. For these people there were no shortages, only abundance. There was no sickness, only health, divine health.

For God remembered His Covenant and brought us out with joy, His chosen ones with gladness. And He gave us the wealth and lands of our oppressors; just like the Children of Israel “spoiled” their Egyptian slave masters of their wealth; just like at Purim during the days of Queen Esther, though genocide was declared against them, God’s people were granted permission by the king to slay all those who attempted to harm them, and take their wealth as spoil.

We will see something similar in our day, and we will inherit the labor of the people so that all would learn to observe the commands of our God and serve Him (Psalm 105:42-45).

This is The Time of The Exodus,” says God.

Can You Hear It?

Beloved, this morning I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “Can you hear it?” You might be asking “Hear what?”

There is A SOUND coming from Heaven and It’s Reverberating throughout the Earth.

“It’s the sound of ABUNDANCE . . . ABUNDANCE OF GRACE . . . ABUNDANCE OF BLESSINGS . . . ABUNDANCE OF THE GOODNESS OF GOD coming straight from the Father’s THRONE in Heaven to COMFORT ALL WHO HAVE MOURNED to Him in prayer.”

“God has answered your prayers. LOOK FOR THE ABUNDANCE to flow upon your life, to flow upon your family, your business, your ministry, upon everything you have set your hands to do, as proof to the world that GOD IS WITH YOU.”

“And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain . . . And it came to pass in the mean while, that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain . . .”

I Kings 18:41-45

The Breaker Is Here!

Here is a word from the Lord that I heard a while back. I heard it once. Then I heard it again this morning and the Lord said, “Release it!”

I heard, “BREAKTHROUGH!” “America’s delusion is over!”

“Everything we though to be true will be overturned. Trusted leaders will be found untrustworthy. Friends will be exposed as foes.”


To those who have been lied on,

“You are about to be VINDICATED!”


“Earnestly contend for the faith.”

Jude 3